Thursday, March 29, 2012

“What we've got here is failure to communicate…”

"What do you actually believe? We know what you don't believe." I mostly preach the doctrine of "I don't know. It doesn't trouble me that much that there are big questions that I can't answer. I've never been able to answer them; I never will. I just kind of let it go. "Where did we all come from?" "What's the meaning of it all?" "What happens when you die?"  Bill Maher.,

The difficulties of being a human being, struggling with issues that effect life, as in how to think, what to think and speaking coherently, trying to make sure “Yes means yes and no means no.” Often, struggle to understand, whom we are, what decisions to make, when and what are the ramifications of the decisions, short and long term.

What I do know is that it gets my Irish up, to beg the point of our interview, when people make up stories and sell an invisible product. It's such a scam. I just think people should man-up, suck it up, and just say, "I don't know," instead of closing their eyes very tightly and insisting on believing something that part of them must know is not true. So when people say, "Yeah, but could it be Jesus Christ?" Yes, it could be.  And it could be the lint in my navel. It could be a lot of things. I tend to doubt very strongly [the story of] Jesus Christ or any other story that just smacks of the kind of thing that primitive men would come up with.”  Bill Maher.,

I mostly preach the doctrine of "I don't know. It doesn't trouble me that much that there are big questions that I can't answer. I've never been able to answer them; I never will. I just kind of let it go. "Where did we all come from?" "What's the meaning of it all?" "What happens when you die?"  Bill Maher.,

It would seem that Bill Maher is not sure of what he believes or thinks or how to communicate clearly, what he thinks.  He says one thing and then states in the same breath…

"Yeah, but could it be Jesus Christ?" Yes, it could be.  And it could be the lint in my navel. It could be a lot of things. I tend to doubt very strongly [the story of] Jesus Christ or any other story that just smacks of the kind of thing that primitive men would come up with.”  Bill Maher.,

There seems at best to be a mental disconnect and failure to communicate.  While I understand he is a comedian and earns a living as such, his thought process is at best a mental disconnection.  If a person says, I do not know, I do not care and live their life accordingly that is sound logic.  However if a person states, I do not know, I do not care then asserts what it is not and then attempts to rationalize with mental gymnastics in order to assert “God does not exist…” It is at best a contradiction of thoughts and words, which in turn begs the question, what does he think, how does he think and how can anyone understand what he means or says?  Bill Maher is, as we all are a created contingent human being, unable to possess full and complete knowledge of all that existed, exists now, and will exist.  It is at best absurd on any level to state, “I don’t know” and then in the same breath state, “What I do know is…”  As a devout Roman Catholic, I do not care what Bill Maher thinks but rather what he ought to think.  It would seem that in order to be understood and communicate effectively a person should attempt to understand what and how we think in order to communicate effectively.  If a person says one thing then in the same breath or in action does something opposite, how can anyone understand the person, let alone what or how he or she thinks and in the end believe anything he or she says and put any credence into any words or actions?  It cannot be both; he either does know or does not know.  It is at best absurd yet he actually believes what he asserts based upon what he thinks, he trying to be funny in order to make money?

I tend to doubt very strongly [the story of] Jesus Christ or any other story that just smacks of the kind of thing that primitive men would come up with.”  Bill Maher.,

It would make sense to assert no one in the history of civilization would term St. Thomas Aquinas as “primitive.” As Thomas Aquinas is quoted and accepted not only in the world of The Catholic Church but throughout the world and cultures.  His “Five Proofs” for the existence of God is deep enough for anyone to ponder the existence of all that exists, did exist and, or will exist.  Would it not stand to reason that technology and the advancement of all that we have in the year 2012 was brought about since the beginning of recorded history, from one generation to the next?  Would it not stand to reason, emperor Caesar Augustus or Julius, if asked during their lives they would dare not deem their Roman Empire as “primitive?”    

Does it not stand to reason Bill Maher and those that agree with his philosophy, have to discard history dating from The Fertile Crescent to whatever period in history, they deem to be NOT primitive?  In turn discard the great philosophers such as Aquinas, Aristotle, Socrates and Plato that fall within what they deem “primitive?”  They would then have to decide what is believable or not believable throughout history, deem it primitive or not primitive in order to fit their own beliefs, in order to justify what they like and dislike?  Then have to assert based on their subjective reason and logic those beliefs in order further advance such beliefs as to come up with a favorable outcome in order to fit and support their own ideology?  In turn, deem those that do not agree with them as crazy, dumb and unintelligent, attempting to define themselves as intelligent and learned...?

Mental Gymnastics:

n. Inventive, complex arguments used to justify unjustifiable decisions, or situations.

It would seem the sport of mental gymnastics does not have to make any philosophical sense or logic, as long as they have the money and positions of authority to force tolerance of absurd beliefs with disconnected philosophy, upon everyone, while mocking Christ and bashing His Church, claiming to know beyond doubt, they do not know, but they do know what it is not.  The sport has no limits and can be used in an attempt to support any absurd philosophy in order to further any lifestyle.  As the world deems good, and even encouraged, to say one thing and do another, talk without thinking and without sound philosophical logic and reason, in the name of wealth, money and power, it would seem the majority of the world does not only, not want to hear, see or know the truth but, people like Bill Maher attempt with mental gymnastics to completely remove the truth from existence. 

Does it not stand to reason, as the only method to communicate effectively is to say what we mean and mean what we say, our words should always match our thoughts and vice versa?  Should we not always attempt to make sense, with sound philosophical reason and logic based upon the objective truth.  If not, in the end, “What we've got here is failure to communicate…” regardless if we are comedians, lawyers, doctors, accountants, schoolteachers, janitors and, mothers and fathers. How can anyone believe what we say, stand for or do, if our lives are a complete contradiction.

NOTE:  This blog was written before Bill Maher embarrassed himself further by making vile and crude remarks about Governor Sarah Palin, and donating money to Barak O’Bama.

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