Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"No one serves, two masters...

How is it a soul can walk this earth and only by the grace of its’ Most Holy Creator see with such simplistic clarity that what is not of the Creator, to that what is.  The closer a soul walks to, and with its’ Creator the darkness encompasses it beyond words.  It is here it sees what the world does not nor cannot see, without the grace of its’ Creator.

How is it that the Creator can bestow upon a soul, while it walks this earth?

How can it be fed only the by the grace of its’ Creator and see with such clarity that what other souls cannot?

How can such grace be felt and given and yet few souls can taste such darkness?

How can souls walk this earth and exist on this earth, feel the joy and happiness of this world, and yet strive to follow Christ and His Church?

How can such a soul not see the depth of its’ Creator and be caught up of this world and yet strive to follow its’ Creator?

While there are many rooms in the kingdom, it is the question of how a soul can taste such grace, while on this earth? 

How is it that two souls can be guided by its’ Creator and one be caught up of the world?

It does not seem any soul that strives to obtain, what is of this world can see its’ Creator.  If a soul uses that of the world and all of its material wealth, how can it see with simplistic clarity, its’ Creator? If a soul walks in the depths of darkness and seeking only its’ Creator, it sees the world as naught, while striving only to obtain what is given by its’ Creator.  If a soul that seeks its’ Creator, how can it feel joy and happiness of the world?  The world and all of its material wealth would deter the soul from seeing and, or seeking its’ Creator.  As it is written (Mt 6:24) “No one serves two masters; or either he will either hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Is it possible for a soul to be lost in its’ Creator and still serve the world in the name of itself and God?  How can a soul feel the joy and happiness of the world and its material wealth, while still seeking its’ Creator?  While it is only known by its’ Creator, the disposition of the soul, it would not give peace to seek its’ Creator, while being of the world?  The soul is either lost in its’ Creator or lost of the world.  While seeing the passing of existence, this side of death, it is only fully seen by God, the disposition of all souls.  It is only known by its’ Creator, when it is called back to its’ Creator, hence judged and placed in either eternal damnation or eternal salvation.

This disposition is known only by its’ Creator, while the grace is given to a soul by its’ Creator, to see with clarity what is of its’ Creator and what is not. The soul walks in darkness while not seeking the world and the happiness, which comes from the word.  This divide brings the confusion to see this side of death, what can only be seen by God.  It is beyond all reason and understanding brought about by the being, itself to grasp and see what is given by its’ Creator.  Its’ Creator grants the soul the light to walk in blind faith, while only in the darkness of its’ Creator.  This darkness, which the souls seeks is not of the world, but that what is given only by God.  Hence, the Creator bestows upon the soul the grace to see such, while the soul walks in the darkness of blind faith.  It does not see what is given of the world, to those souls that do not, nor cannot grasp such depths, of God.  It is this place, which divides or separates those that serve God, and those that serve mammon.

The souls that seek and find such joy, and happiness of the world, do not see or feel to taste such darkness of blind faith.  This place the souls rests, is only known by God, the other side of death and created time.  All souls that claim to seek its’ Creator can by the grace of God see only when it is given, such.  There is nothing the created soul can do to bring about the light in order to turn from the joy and happiness of the word, to that of God.  It would be only given by the grace of God, and only then would a soul see the sin-folly of the world.  Hence, the souls that walk in the blind faith of its’ Creator in such darkness of light can see what others souls cannot, which brings further clarity to beg God for only more darkness in order to turn from the world and its sin-folly.  As it is impossible for the souls of the world to seek its’ Creator to such depths of darkness in, with and through the Creator, the Creator will only feed the soul with divine wisdom in order for it to seek only more such wisdom.  It is this divide that separates those souls that seek only its’ Creator to those that seek that what is of the world.  As it is only known by God, the disposition of all souls, only by His will and grace does a soul walk.  The souls that claim to seek its’ Creator while strive for the wealth of the world, fool only themselves.  As it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle, than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven, it is given only by God to a soul, it is only by God a soul can obtain such.  Hence, all souls are to seek first God and then all things be given.  It is here that a souls is to start and it is here the division of the souls that seek its Creator first, to those that seek the world first. 

The soul that feeds on only its’ Creator, it is in this darkness of light the soul sees with simplistic clarity and knows what is of its’ Creator to what is not.  It is only by its’ Creator that a soul sees such and it is only known by its’ Creator, the final disposition, in the end where that souls is placed.  Hence a soul can and while existing in the state of the depths of darkness and light only by the grace of its’ Creator, in the end by the will of God, what souls walks in bind faith and simplistic clarity to point out the light of God to those that see with new eyes an hear with new ears.

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